Starting the non-profit organization

Starting the non-profit organization

If you have read this far, you know that I have been developing some ideas about science education. I continue to network with science educational professionals to make sure that I am on the right track.  However, I also need to build that track. Although I am working with other non-profits like Chemists Without Borders, if I want to fully realize the potential for Science is Elemental, I will need to start my own non-profit.

Early efforts

When I first started experimenting with this idea, I found a website that provided guidance for start-up non-profits: DonorBox. From that site, I learned to take important steps. These include: developing a three-year plan, a budget for those years, and the vision, missions and values for the nonprofit. I knew that I would need to file articles of incorporation with my home state, Maryland. From the Internal Revenue Service website, I found training on what qualifies an entity for being a non-profit and what steps when needed to do to apply. However, I still didn’t know how to manage all of the steps for becoming a nonprofit.

Maryland Nonprofits

I no longer recall who told me about Maryland Nonprofits. Whoever you are, I am in your debt. That organization provides tremendous support to existing non-profits in the state. Maryland Nonprofits also provides help and, if desired, legal counseling for the start-up process. There is a membership fee to join, and if you pay a flat fee for legal help to start your non-profit, you get one year of membership, free. I chose to pay for the legal help, and I am very glad I did. I have also participated in a forum for new executive directors.

Other non-profit work

I have provided pro-bono consulting services to five non-profit organizations. Compass Pro Bono currently operates in four locations: Chicago, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. I supported two projects as a team member with Compass in D.C., and I am currently working on a third. In addition, I supported two non-profits through Taproot, working as an individual in concert with staff members and volunteers at two other nonprofits.

These efforts helped me better understand the challenges non-profits face, and are therefore good preparation for my organization.

Current status

As of this time, Science is Elemental, Inc. has been established as a corporation in the state of Maryland. Through the help of Maryland Nonprofits, I have submitted an application to the IRS for the organization to gain 501(c)3 status.

The image is the logo for Science is Elemental. It contains colorful geometric images to the left, the name, and the words discover. connect. inspire
Logo for the non-profit Science is Elemental. Logo design by JMF Designs, LLC
