If you have read this far, you know that I have been developing some ideas about science education. I continue to network with science educational professionals to make sure that I am on the right track. However, I also need to build that track. Although I am working with other non-profits like Chemists Without Borders, if I want to fully realize the potential for Science is Elemental, I will need to start my own non-profit.
Early efforts
When I first started experimenting with this idea, I found a website that provided guidance for start-up non-profits: DonorBox. From that site, I learned to take important steps. These include: developing a three-year plan, a budget for those years, and the vision, missions and values for the nonprofit. I knew that I would need to file articles of incorporation with my home state, Maryland. From the Internal Revenue Service website, I found training on what qualifies an entity for being a non-profit and what steps when needed to do to apply. However, I still didn’t know how to manage all of the steps for becoming a nonprofit.
Maryland Nonprofits
I no longer recall who told me about Maryland Nonprofits. Whoever you are, I am in your debt. That organization provides tremendous support to existing non-profits in the state. Maryland Nonprofits also provides help and, if desired, legal counseling for the start-up process. There is a membership fee to join, and if you pay a flat fee for legal help to start your non-profit, you get one year of membership, free. I chose to pay for the legal help, and I am very glad I did. I have also participated in a forum for new executive directors.
Other non-profit work
I have provided pro-bono consulting services to five non-profit organizations. Compass Pro Bono currently operates in four locations: Chicago, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. I supported two projects as a team member with Compass in D.C., and I am currently working on a third. In addition, I supported two non-profits through Taproot, working as an individual in concert with staff members and volunteers at two other nonprofits.
These efforts helped me better understand the challenges non-profits face, and are therefore good preparation for my organization.
Current status
As of this time, Science is Elemental, Inc. has been established as a corporation in the state of Maryland. Through the help of Maryland Nonprofits, I have submitted an application to the IRS for the organization to gain 501(c)3 status.
